
django-user-payments allows quickly adding line items for a user and paying later for those.

For example, if some functionality is really expensive you might want to add a line item each time the user requests the functionality:

def expensive_view(request):
        title="expensive view at %s" %,

    # .. further processing and response generation

At the time the user wants to pay the costs that have run up you create a pending payment and maybe process it using a moocher.

A quick introduction to moochers

Moochers (provided by django-mooch) take a request and a payment instance, show a form or a button, and handle interaction with and responses from payment service providers. They allow processing individual payments one at a time.

django-user-payments’ Payment model extends the abstract mooch.Payment so that moochers may be readily used.

The first view below, pay creates the pending payment and redirects the user to the next step. pay_payment fetches the pending payment from the database and allows selecting a payment method. Further processing is the responsibility of the selected moocher.

def pay(request):
    payment = Payment.objects.create_pending(user=request.user)
    if not payment:
        # No line items, redirect somewhere else!
        return ...

    # django-mooch's Payment uses UUID4 fields:
    return redirect('pay_payment',

def pay_payment(request, id):
    payment = get_object_or_404(
    return render(request, "pay_payment.html", {
        "payment": payment,
        "moochers": [
            moocher.payment_form(request, payment)
            for moocher in moochers.values()

A payment life cycle

Payments will most often be created by calling Payment.objects.create_pending(user=<user>). This creates an unpaid payment instance and binds all unbound line items to the payment instance by updating their payment foreign key field. The amount fields of all line items are summed up and assigned to the payments’ amount field. If there were no unbound line items, no payment instance is created and the manager method returns None.

Next, the instance is hopefully processed by a moocher or django-user-payment’s processing which will be discussed later. A paid-for payment has its nullable charged_at field (among some other fields) set to the date and time of payment.

If payment or processing failed for some reason, the payment instance is in most cases not very useful anymore. Deleting the instance directly fails because the line items’ payment foreign key protects against cascading deletion. Instead, payment.cancel_pending() unbinds the line items from the payment and deletes the payment instance.

Undoing payments

In rare cases it may even be necessary to undo a payment which has already been marked as paid, respectively has its charged_at field set to a truthy value. In this case, the payment.undo() method sets charged_at back to None and unbinds all the payments’ line items.