Stripe customers

The Stripe customers module offers a moocher which automatically creates a Stripe customer, a model which binds Stripe customers to user instances and a processor for payments.


Stripe supports more than one source (that is, credit card) per customer, but our user_payments.stripe_customers module does not.

The Stripe customers app requires STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY and STRIPE_SECRET_KEY settings.

The moocher

The user_payments.stripe_customers.moochers.StripeMoocher is basically a drop-in replacement for django-mooch’s mooch.stripe.StripeMoocher, except that:

  • Instead of only charging the user once, our moocher creates a Stripe customer and binds it to a local Django user (in case the user is authenticated) to make future payments less cumbersome.
  • If an authenticated user already has a Stripe customer, the moocher only shows basic credit card information (e.g. the brand and expiry date) and a “Pay” button instead of requiring entry of all numbers again.