
Active subscriptions periodically create periods, which in turn create line items.

Creating a subscription for an user looks like this:

subscription = Subscription.objects.ensure(

    # Optional:
    title="The Membership",

This example would also work with Subscription.objects.create(), but Subscription.objects.ensure() knows to update a users’ subscription with the same code and also is smart when a subscription is updated – it does not only set fields, but also remove now invalid periods and delay the new start date if the subscription is still paid for.

django-user-payments’ subscriptions have no concept of a plan or a product – this is purely your responsibility to add (if needed).

Periods and periodicity

Next, let’s add some periods and create some line items for them:

for period in subscription.create_periods():

Subscriptions are anchored on the starts_on day. Available periodicities are:

  • yearly
  • monthly
  • weekly
  • manually

Simply incrementing the month and year will not always work in the case of yearly and monthly periodicity. If the naively calculated date does not exist, the algorithm returns later dates.

Specifics of recurring date calculation

For example, if a subscription starts on 2016-02-29 (a leap year), the next three years’ periods will start on March 1st. However, the period stays anchored at the start date, therefore in 2020 the period starts on February 29th again. Same with months: The next two period starts for a monthly subscription starting on 2018-03-31 will be 2018-05-01 and 2018-05-31. As you can see, since 2018-04-31 does not exist, no period starts in April, and two periods start in May.

Periods end one day before the next period starts. Respectively, subscriptions do not only offer date fields – all date fields have a corresponding property returning a date time in the default timezone. Periods always start at 00:00:00 and end at 23:59:59.999999.

subscription.create_periods() only creates periods that start no later than today. This can be overridden by passing a date using the until keyword argument.

Subscription status and grace periods

Once line items created by subscription periods are bound to a payment and the payment is paid for, the subscription automatically runs its update_paid_until() method. The method sets the subscriptions’ paid_until date field to the date when the latest subscription period ends.

However, the subscription status is not only determined by paid_until. By default, subscriptions have a grace period of 7 days during which the subscription is still subscription.is_active, but also subscription.in_grace_period. The date time when the grace period ends is available as subscription.grace_period_ends_at.

Take note that the grace period also applies to subscriptions that have been newly created, that is, never been paid for.

Subscriptions should be canceled by calling subscription.cancel(). This method disabled automatic renewal and removes periods and their line items in case they haven’t been paid for yet.

Periodical tasks and maintenance

The following commands would make sense to run periodically in a management command:

  • Subscription.objects.disable_autorenewal(): Cancel subscriptions that are past due by disable_autorenewal_after days, by default 15 days.
  • Subscription.objects.create_periods(): Run subscription.create_periods() on all subscriptions that should renew automatically.
  • SubscriptionPeriod.objects.create_line_items(): Make periods create their line items in case they haven’t done so already. By default only periods that start no later than today are considered. This can be changed by providing another date using the until keyword argument.

The processing documentation contains a management command where those functions are called in the recommended way and order.

Closing notes

As you can see subscriptions do not concern themselves with payment processing, only with creating line items. Subscriptions only use payments to automatically update their paid_until date field.